1Abell 33 Diamond Ring Planetary Nebula in Hydra. Taken on 03/29/16 - 04/05/16. Planewave CDK 12.5" scope, ST-10XME camera. 300 seconds/frame, total time 9h 35m (LRGB+OIII = 105:35:35:35:365 minutes).
2Abell 39 Planetary Nebula in Hercules. Taken on 06/06/14 - 07/03/14. Planewave CDK 12.5" scope, ST-10XME camera. 300 seconds/frame, total time 17h 45m (LRGB = 525:185:170:185 minutes).
3Abell 2666 Galaxy Cluster Taken at home on 09/08/13, 09/10/13 and 09/27/13. Planewave CDK 12.5" scope, ST-10XME camera. 300 seconds/frame, total time 11 hours. (LRGB=325:110:110:115 minutes).
4Jupiter Jupiter with its satellite Ganymede. Taken at home on 03/31/05. Meade LX200 GPS 8" scope, alt/az mount, DSI-C camera. 0.2 seconds/frame, total time 21 seconds (over a longer period of time).
5Comet Machholz Comet Machholz. Taken at home on 01/12/05. Meade LX200 GPS 8" scope, alt/az mount, DSI-C camera. 10 seconds/frame, total time 23 minutes.
6Mars movie Movie of Mars rotating.
7Mars Mars. Taken at home on 11/20/05. Meade LX200 8" scope, DSI-C camera, 6x Barlow. 0.015 second/frame, 104 frames/group, one group every 10 minutes, total time 240 minutes. Made into a movie.
8Milky Way Milky Way. Taken in Costa Rica on 02/26/07. Canon S45 camera. 15 seconds/frame, total time 3 minutes.
9Milky Way Annotated Same as the previous photo, but with annotations. This photo happened to capture Super Nova Scorpa 2007.
10Milky Way from H2O Milky Way. Taken at H2O on 06/09/07. Canon S45 camera mounted on a fixed tripod. 15 seconds/frame, total time 12 minutes. Images aligned to give the appearance of fixed stars over a fixed terrestrial landscape.
11Tycho Crater Movie Movie of sun rising over the moon's Tycho crater.
12Tycho Crater The moon's Tycho crater. Taken on 07/25/04. ToUCam, 1/50th second/frame, 2 frames/second, total time 108 minutes. Used to take a movie showing the sun rising over the crater.
13PGC 54559 Hoag's Object, an unusually symmetric ring galaxy in Serpens. Taken at home on 07/10/12, 07/12/12, 07/14/12, 07/17/12 and 07/18/12. PlaneWave CDK 12.5 and ST-10 XME camera. 300 seconds/image, total time 6h 35m (LRGB=210:65:60:60).
14Saturn Saturn. Taken at H2O on 02/03/05. Meade LX200 8" scope, DSI-C camera, alt/az mount. 0.125 seconds/frame, total time 2.3 minutes over a period of 52 minutes. Goal was to make a movie, but the quality wasn't good enough.
15SZ Her Movie Movie of variable star SZ Her. Taken at home on 06/18/07. Meade RCX400 10" scope, DSI-Pro II camera. 10 seconds/frame, one frame/minute, total time 144 minutes.
16SZ Her Still photo of variable star SZ Her. Taken at home on 06/18/07. Meade RCX400 10" scope, DSI-Pro II camera. 10 seconds/frame, one frame/minute, total time 144 minutes. All frames averaged for this still picture.
17Comet Tempel Comet Tempel 9P at the time of the collision with the Deep Impact probe. Taken at H2O on 07/03/05. Meade LX200 GPS 8" scope, alt/az mount, DSI-C camera. 30 seconds/frame, total time 114 minutes. This session was done to see if the comet brightened noticeably when the probe hit it. The images were assembled into an movie that showed the comet brightening, but barely noticeably.
18Comet Tempel Plot Plot showing now Comet Tempel brightened after the Deep Impact probe collided with it.
19VdB 141 Van den Bergh 141, the Ghost Nebula in Cepheus. Taken at home on 07/25/09, 07/26/09, 08/25/09. Orion ED80 and Meade RCX400 10" scopes, ST-10 XME. 120-300 seconds/frame. Total time = 730 minutes, (LRGB=610:40:40:40). Most of field done using Orion ED80, but five hours of L pictures were devoted to central area using RCX400.
20VdB 152 Van Den Bergh 152, a Bok globule (dust column) and reflection nebula in Cepheus. Taken at home on 10/26/08. Meade RCX400 10" and ST-10XME camera. 120 seconds/image, total time 240 minutes (LRGB=120:40:40:40).